Friday, November 20, 2009

wolf run 2

Wolf's Run [version 2]

I know why the wild wolf runs.

He runs to feel the sharp wind through his soft fur.

He runs to feel the hard, cold ground

Beneath his taut paws.

His feet thumping a repetitious rhythm

On a snare drum of ice and snow.

He runs to feel the beat of his heart

Blood coursing through his rigid veins

Warming his skin beneath the sharp wind

Which whistles through his flying fur.

His muscles scream in protest

Yet he doesn’t stop. He can’t stop running

His ears pick up the faintest scratch

His nose twitches as he smells a distant scent

Near indescribable through the rushing tumult

And his eyes strain through the falling snow

That rushes past his face

As his warm air crystallizes

Fogging up the air in front of him

His long pink tongue hangs out as he pants

Water sliding past his sharp, pitiless teeth

And down to cool his hot throat

Which stiffens as he summons up his remaining strength

To howl at the moon

And to begin his run again.

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