Wednesday, October 28, 2009

tabi, zori, and juban

I need to buy some tabi i think... I copied the how-to from Marshal's book, but its really complicated, and involves blowing things up on the copying machine... It might just be easier to buy some. I found a couple of pairs cheap on ebay, S&H only $4. Anyways, I bought a juban and zori from ebay a little while ago, but I'm afraid that they won't arrive in time for international night. That's going to suck. I'll have to wear my yukata for a juban and my geta for zori.

I think I'll go look for a sock pattern and adjust it to make tabi. I'll keep you (meaning anyone in the future who decides this post is worth reading) posted.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

starbucks woes

I was in the mood for some chai today so I stopped in at Starbucks. I can't stand how when you order an iced chai, they fill a quarter of the cup with tea, and a quarter with milk, and the rest with ice. You take a few sips and your done. If you buy a bigger cup, then it costs a ridiculous amount more. So I normally just buy hot tea. Its not as refreshing on hot days, or when you're in Peck and they decided to turn the heat up to about 90 for some reason... Seriously. Its not even cold outside. I can't wait till Nov 7th. I'm going to international night, and I'm going to take pictures!

my chinese teacher is secretly a ninja

I was sitting around today in the FLL, and it occurred to me that my teacher was a ninja. or something like that. He's been to China a lot, so maybe he picked something up there. I'd be walking along in Morris, completely alone and suddenly I hear a quiet 冯照宁,你好。I turned around and there he was! I still can't figure out where he came from.... He's very good at quietly surprising us. I put two and two together, and realized that laoshi is a NINJA!